Welcome to 1916film.com!
'A Terrible Beauty' is a 90-minute feature docudrama, which takes a unique look at the events of Easter Week 1916 in Dublin. Focusing on the ferocious Battle of Mount Street Bridge and the engagements around Ned Daly's Four Courts garrison, this is the first film to tell the story from three different perspectives, showing the human cost of the fighting on all sides. First hand accounts tell the little-known stories of the 'ordinary' people involved in the Rising; Irish Volunteers, British Soldiers and the innocent civilians caught in the middle. This gives the viewer an up close and personal view of the often brutal and bloody fight which affected the lives of the men and women caught up in the chaos.
Since making the film we have begun a new project which aims to tell more of the lesser-known stories of the 1916 Rising. 'Stories from 1916' aims to shed more light on the many individual accounts of the 'ordinary' men and women involved in the Rising. While working on A Terrible Beauty, we realised that there is a huge wealth of fascinating stories that have never been told. Men and women who played a vital role, not just in Easter week 1916, but also in the War of Independence that followed, have never had their voices heard. With this project we aim to rectify this.
Our weekly podcast looks at the stories of civilians, women, British soldiers, and Irish rebels. Listen below or head to the site to read our articles and watch our mini-docs.
28/03/16 - A new edition of the 'A Terrible Beauty', featuring a brand new cover design is out now! Get your copy today by CLICKING HERE!
23/03/16 - We couldn't be happier with the turnout for our screening in St. Louis last Sunday! The Q&A afterwards turned into a really interesting chat on the Rising. Thanks a million to all who attended the screening and exhibition. Looking forward to the next trip!
08/03/16 - Had an absolutely great day last Saturday! Thanks a million to everyone who came out to watch the screening of 'A Terrible Beauty' and attend the 'Stories from 1916' exhibition.
01/03/16 - Really looking forward to the St. Louis premiere of the film on Sunday March 20th (2.30pm) at the Missouri History Museum. After the show, there will be a Q&A session with producer Dave Farrell and actor Colin D. Farrell. Advance tickets to the show can be bought by CLICKING HERE!
Also on the day, the 'Stories from 1916' team will host their free interactive exhibition at the museum from 10am-5pm. Hope you can make it St. Louisans!
16/02/16 - On Saturday March 5th, the Clontarf Historical Society will host a screening of 'A Terrible Beauty' at the Clasac Building on the Alfie Byrne Road in Clontarf (3pm). Tickets to the show are €8 and can be bought in advance at www.clasac.ie, by emailing clontarfhistorical@gmail.com or phone 01-8338711. After the show, we will be on hand to answer any questions.
Also on the day, the 'Stories from 1916' team will hold an interactive exhibition at the same venue. The exhibition will run all day from 10am-6pm and is free to attend. Hope to see you there!
01/02/16 - Lot's of new screenings are planned over the coming months. Next venue up is the Carnegie Arts Centre in Kenmare on Thursday the 3r of March at 8pm. Keep up to date with all of the latest screenings by CLICKING HERE!
26/01/16 - Great to get a mention on Liveline today! Joe Duffy and our good friend Paul O'Brien were singing our praises as they discussed the merits of RTE's 'Rebellion' series. Thanks so much to both for their ringing endorsements!
01/01/16 - Happy New Year to all! We've had a great 2015 and have had the pleasure of meeting many new friends as we tour the film. Thanks so much to everyone who has supported us, attended a screening or even just got in touch to say that you like what we do. It is very much appreciated by all of us at Tile Media. Let's hope this year's centenary celebrations honour all of the men, women and children who were caught up in the monumental events of 100 years ago. Here's to a great 2016!
17/11/15 - We were delighted to release our latest mini-doc over the weekend. It tells the story of Tommy O'Connor, the IRB's Trans-Atlantic courier during Ireland's revolutionary period. Tommy carried vast sums of money raised in America back to Ireland to fund the revolutionary war and many coded messages between the Irish leadership on either side of the Atlantic. During the Rising , Tommy and his brother Johnny fought under the command of Ned Daly in the Four Courts area of Dublin. This is his story, told by his relatives. The title, "A Courier's Tale", is taken from the book "A Courier's Tale, a biography of Thomas D O'Connor," by his grandson, Tommy Vogt. Check out the video below.
28/10/15 - A Terrible Beauty screened last Sunday as part of the 'Street Stories 1916' events, run by the Stoneybatter & Smithfield People's History Project. It was a great evening, with a really engaging Q&A afterwards, and then a nice pint at the Cobblestone to continue the conversation! Thanks to the Stoneybatter & Smtihfield People's History Project for screening the film and to everyone who came out to watch.
23/10/15 - WE WON AN IFTA AWARD!!! As you can tell, we are very happy to announce that our amazing cameraman, Colm Whelan, took home the 2015 IFTA Award for Best Camera in a television programme, at last night's event. Well done to Colm on a very well deserved award.
16/10/15 - After a great weekend at iBAM in Chicago, we moved onto the Garden State of New Jersey to screen A Terrible Beauty at two community events. The first, last Tuesday, took place at Our Lady of Sorrows Church Hall in Linwood and was hosted by the Irish American Cultural Society of Southern New Jersey. The second, on Wednesday, was hosted by Amergael and took place at the Ocean County Library in Surf City. Many thanks to our hosts for both event and everyone who came out to watch.
13/10/15 - Last weekend, we took A Terrible Beauty and our Stories from 1916 project to the iBAM festival in Chicago's Irish American Heritage Centre. It was a fantastic weekend all round and it was great to be exhibiting the SF1916 project again, after the very successful first exhibition at the Milwaukee Irish Festival last August. Thanks to everyone who stopped by our room for a chat and came out to watch the movie. See you next year!
05/10/15 - On Saturday last, we gave a talk at Pearse Street Library on the challenges of making historical documentaries in Ireland, before screening A Terrible Beauty to a fantastic audience. It was all part of DCC's 2015 Festival of History. Thanks to DCC for inviting us to take part and to everyone who came out for the event.
26/09/15 - Today, we were delighted to screen A Terrible Beauty as part of Fingal County Council's 1916 memorabilia day at the Grand Hotel, Malahide. Thanks to everyone who came out to the screening and Fingal County Council for hosting it.
We'll also be screening at the next memorabilia day in the Fingal CoCo offices in Blanchardstown on Saturday the 6th of November (12-4pm). Hope to see you there!
17/08/15 - Milwaukee Fest 2015!
Dave and Colin have been busy over in Milwaukee! here's just a glimpse of the first few days of their trip - meeting with Ancient Order of Hibernians meeting. Setting up the Stories from 1916 exhibition in the Cultural Village of the festival, Screening of "A Terrible Beauty". They even had to battle with a freak storm during the set-up (See the flooded Tent!) But Over all it seems Dave and Colin had a successful trip and met some great people, photo on the bottom left (L-R) Nick Michael (Deputy Irish Consulate to Chicago), Dave, Colin and Minister of State for the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Joe McHugh. Plenty More on the Milwaukee Trip to Come!
12/08/15 - Milwaukee Irish Fest Screenings!
Tile Media are mounting a full scale interactive exhibition of the storiesfrom1916.com at the Milwaukee Irish Fest in the USA from the the 13th to the 16th August and will be screening ATB daily in the Volta Cinema in the Cultural Village at the festival.
03/06/15 - Manchester Screening!
Close to home for our next screening at least for ATB writer and director Keith Farrell's! Long time Manchester resident Keith now lives in Sale so does not have far to travel when A Terrible Beauty screens at the Robert Bolt Theatre in the Waterside Centre in Sale at 7.30pm on Monday the 15th June as part of Fest 2015.
06/05/15 - Stories From 1916 Goes live! Stories form 1916 is a Non-Profit Living History Project: After months of preparation the site is finally live. Over the next year we will be talking to relatives and loved ones of those involved in the rising. So far we have published four great pieces - take a look at our completed segment on Tom and Lucy Byrne. You will also see the begining of three more fantastic stories which we will continue to add to over the coming weeks. (Click Here)
09/02/15 - We had a hugely successful screening last night with 'A Terrible Beauty' closing out the 2015 Capital Irish Film Festival in Washington DC. We were delighted to attend what was a sold out show and had a very engaging Q & A session afterwards. Thanks to everyone who showed up and made it so special.
07/02/15 - As part of the festival, Producer Dave Farrell and Project Manager Colin Farrell were part of a video conference session with the film students from James Madison University. It was a really interesting session with some very enthusiastic kids. Hopefully we were able to provide them with some insight into working in the industry.
07/02/15 - We got to present a copy of our DVD to Ambassador Anne Anderson last night at the opening of the 2015 Capital Irish Film Festival in Washington DC. Hope she enjoys it!
(L-R): Paddy Meskell, Colin Farrell, Ambassador Anne Anderson, Dave Farrell
22/01/15 - We have just got our second batch of 'A Terrible Beauty' DVD's back from the printers. CLICK HERE to order yours today! Thanks!
01/01/15 - Wishing all our friends and supporters a very Happy New Year!
We expect 2015 to be a very busy year for us and we hope to tell many more of the little known stories of the 1916 Rising with our 'A Terrible Beauty: 1916 - 2016' living history project. You can find out more information about what we have planned on the 'Stories' page of this site.
11/12/14 - We're delighted to announce that we have two more international screenings lined up for early 2015. On Sunday, February 8th 'A Terrible Beauty' has been selected to close the 2015 Capital Irish Film Festival in Washington DC (7pm). Then on Saturday, March 7th the film will screen as part of the 'Secret Histories' series at the Edinburgh Filmhouse (3.20pm).
26/11/14 - Yesterday we were delighted to meet up with some of the family of Patrick Rankin, the only Newry man to take part in the 1916 Rising. We hope to feature Paddy's story as part of the 'living history' project 'A Terrible Beauty: 1916 - 2016' in the new year so keep an eye on the 'Stories' section of the site for updates. You can read Paddy's two BMH Witness Statements, which tell his account of his time fighting for Ireland's freedom, by clicking HERE and HERE. Many thanks to Carol, Joe and Tim for taking the time to meet with us.
L-R: Joe Murray (grandson of Paddy Rankin), Carol Rankin (granddaughter of Paddy Rankin) & Tim Lyne (married to Paddy Rankin's granddaughter Margaret).
In this 'behind the scenes' look at 'A Terrible Beauty' director Keith Farrell and producer Dave Farrell discuss how the stories told in the film evolved.
Trailer for 'A Terrible Beauty'
We need your stories!
The most important aspect of the 'Stories from 1916' project, which grew out of A Terrible Beauty, is the collection of stories related to the ordinary people who took part in the 1916 Easter Rising.
If you or your family have a story to share please participate in the project by telling us using the form below. We'll respond to everyone who submits a story as soon as we can.
**We will NEVER share your personal information with any third party**
Support the project
Our living history project, 'Stories from 1916' has grown exponentially since it began, putting a severe strain on our resources. To continue to collect and share the many family stories of the ordinary men and women of the 1916 Rising from around the world we need your support.
Currently we don't receive any funding for the project whatsoever. Your donation will be used to continue to tell the little known stories of the ordinary men and women of 1916.
For more information on the project visit: www.storiesfrom1916.com, www.facebook.com/storiesfrom1916 or follow us on Twitter @storiesfrom1916
"[a] groundbreaking docudrama...astonishingly moving and comprehensive..."
IRISH CENTRAL - 15/10/14
"A Terrible Beauty is a docu-drama of extraordinary power...this film is so gripping in its cinematography, capturing the claustrophobic atmosphere of urban warfare, and so successfully inventive in its storytelling style that it manages to satisfy on many levels beyond those merely factual."
chicago tribune - 26/09/14
"...a significant historical docu-drama chronicling events during the 1916 Easter Rebellion in Dublin."
"You won't have seen a better film about the 1916 Easter Rising this Easter, and you won't see one any other Easter...it offered something rare: a completely fresh take on the subject."
Evening Herald - 22/04/14
"...the distinction of Keith Farrell's film is that it is so attentive to it's chosen characters that the viewer genuinely registered both sides of the story."
"[A Terrible Beauty is] a satisfyingly complex and detailed account of what happened during that blood-soaked week."
Irish Independent - 26/04/14
"A Terrible Beauty is a great docudrama...[Tile Films] have created a balanced and gripping film, which deserves an audience."
Leftlion.co.uk - 23/05/14
"...[an] exceptionally well-made docudrama...A Terrible Beauty sets the bar high for the documentaries that are bound to follow over the next few years."
History Ireland Magazine - May/June 2013
"Director Keith Farrell builds the tension...and reveals the human cost of the conflict in a series of compellingly re-staged battle scenes. Moving, balanced and meticulously researched, A Terrible Beauty restores the ordinary soldier to the heart of the story."
Jameson Dublin International Film Festival
"A brilliantly shot drama-documentary about the men and women of the Easter Rising in Dublin in 1916 told from both sides."
Crystal Palace International Film Festival
Latest Audio
Interview from Near FM's 'Lifeline' show on 18th April 2014 with director Keith Farrell and actor Colin D. Farrell who plays 'Frank Shouldice' in 'A Terrible Beauty...'
Interview from Raidió na Life with one of our key contributor's Míchaél O'Doibhilin.
Twitter Feed:
We're into the last few days of the crowdfunding campaign for our latest short film; 'Girl Alone'. Over £5.5k raise… https://t.co/2xJUsyt9sK
Our latest short film project 'Girl Alone' is a powerful story with a shocking twist. We're trying to raise the nec… https://t.co/rNVru7mUCR
RT @storiesfrom1916: https://t.co/4MzJCDVETl is now live!! Check out our first featured story on the #AmericanWomensPickets, written by… https://t.co/qjGkD9Jzh2
RT @sarahwebbishere: Hanna breaks the window at Dublin Castle. #boldgirl #votail100 https://t.co/3SSAZOF0mA
RT @historyfiona: Political cartoonist Ernest Kavanagh, shot dead at Liberty Hall during Easter Week, depicted Bulmer Hobson as 'Babb… https://t.co/3AXG5yQsx7
RT @CenturyIRL: Learn about the story of how a group of Irish nuns fled the battle of Ypres in 1916: https://t.co/0MqF07mT0r https://t.co/feW5wDi6Z3
RT @MauriceJCasey: Since this pic is getting attention (and because Despard is a fascinating figure) here's some more info: Despard w… https://t.co/qHPW7nQmKR
RT @MauriceJCasey: She died in 1939 in Belfast, where she was helping to organise support for Republican Spain. https://t.co/dl1WOCag5T
RT @MauriceJCasey: Probably the only activist whose birthday was celebrated in both the Communist daily worker and 'The Vote', journal… https://t.co/KTRDFtxdrq
RT @MauriceJCasey: This picture was taken in the same spot, but 23 years earlier. Despard was always consistent in politics and style. https://t.co/W2TdKou2QG